Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Eggplant has germinated...

and the grass is beginning to pop up from below. Keeping 'em pulled. Also planted some extra pepper, squash and cukes in a large container off to the side. Just in case!
Laura thinks I overdid the beets and I think she may be right. I'm considering cutting back from 4 rows to 2 and planting something else. Maybe peas or beans? Not sure.

Monday, April 26, 2010


The beets have germinated (yesterday, 4/25). Unfortunately I'm also starting to see some grass poke through too. No sign of the eggplant yet.

Yesterday, I planted 3 each of bell pepper, squash and cucumber in the hay bales. Ripped out the tomato I had put in prematurely a week ago - it was withering. I have my doubts about this hay bale garden; it's HOT in the bale - hot enough 2 inches in that your finger will feel very uncomfortable. I can't imagine the plant root system will survive that. We'll see!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Nuttin' honey

Just added a quarter cup of NH3NO3 to each bale, and watered. 2 more days of that to go. Those bales are hot inside! The tomato plant I prematurely stuck in a few days ago isn't doing well - I think the bale is too hot.

No birds *sigh*

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Another pretty day

Third day of treating the straw bales with ammonium nitrate. Man those things are getting ripe! Smells like a barnyard back there!
Took opportunity to finish cutting the yard, then I drank 2 (2!) beers whilst sitting on the back porch as the sun went down. Nice day.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Not a lot today

Continued preparing hay bales - 1st half cup NH4NO3, have to do that 2 more days. It's not my imagination - there's now a distinct earthy-stable odor in that part of the yard. I think its the hay. Lettuce doesn't look too happy. I watered again, we'll see. Cut the outside yard and west yard today also. So it goes...
By the way, today is the 20th of April- the peak day (most years) for the spring bird migration. I sat outside for half an hour this morning, got nothin'. Where are the orioles? the warblers? the tanagers? Maybe tomorrow.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Plants in the ground

Today, April 19, I put plants in the ground! Tomatoes actually went in yesterday including an "upside down" planting that I'm trying for funsies. Put in 6 tomatoes (4 in box, i1upside-down and one in a straw bale- more about that later). I forget the variety but they're a big tomato, not a cherry. Today I went to Shell-Ross, bought red-tip lettuce, red bell pepper, burpless cucumber, yellow squash and sweet basil plants, and purple beauty eggplant and beet seeds. Planted all that except the squash, pepper and cukes which i intend to put in the straw bales. I have watered the bales down for 3 days and today I put a half-cup of 32-0-0 on each and watered it in well. I'm going by the recipe found here http://www.carolinacountry.com/cgardens/thismonth/march06guide/straw.html for straw gardening, so I have several more days of prep before I can plant the final veggies. The basil went in a pot on the front porch. The picture above was taken after planting today.

First entry - garden set-up

Who would have thunk it.
I'm going to use this in lieu of a paper and pen notebook to record garden data.

First, dug up some turf and weed about 10 x 8 feet with a spade shovel. Harder than it sounds!. Built a box around that with scrap lumber on the west side of the house. It will get morning sun and partial afternoon sun with some shade - might be a good thing in the summer. The first photo shows the rough box, 9' x 7' after about a cubic yard of topsoil and with 3 bales of straw on the sides. I bought the topsoil in bulk from a nursery in White Hall (Amanda's) and the straw from Jones Feed and Garden, also in White Hall. I hauled another half-yard of topsoil and followed that with a half- yard of black "super soil" also from Amanda's. The topsoil cost about $9 a half-yard and the super soil $18 so I spent quite a bit on dirt!